Published: 28 Oct ’24
Last Updated: 21 Dec ’24
Reading Time: 6 minutes
Why can’t you serve God and money?
God is the root of love. Money is the root of evil.
1 Timothy 6:10
Ok, now that you’ve pondered that thought a little bit, I’d like to share something the Lord showed me. I came across Matthew 6:19-21 the other day. And in these verses Jesus talks about not storing up treasures on earth where moth & rust destroy. Instead, Jesus calls us to store our treasures in heaven…
In this life you will be offered many things, but what will it profit you to gain all that you could ever desire in this world at the cost of losing your soul?
Mark 8:36
Following after my reading the passage found in the Gospel of Matthew (the irony of this happening was just too good not to share), I kid you not, the following day I was gifted a unique quarter worth more than its intended value. Due to a manufacturing typo the quarter was missing a “T”. So instead of the inscription saying: “In God We Trust”, the “Trust” read “rust”.
Receiving this “valuable” quarter taught me a few things,
1.) In our everyday walk with Jesus, I’ve learned that He is willing to share object lessons with us regarding biblical truths BUT we must be willing to pay attention.
2.) The timing behind receiving this “valuable” quarter further emphasized the lesson on why it’s important to not place one’s hope in worldly wealth. It is man–made so it only holds the value we place on it.
Now, if you’re a millennial, Gen Z, or from any younger generation, I’m sure you’re thinking: “I could care less about grandpa’s antique quarter collection. We’re in the digital age. Bitcoin, stocks, tech, yada-yada-yada, is the “new wave”. Real “GUAP” is found in the digital frontier. Hear me out though, regardless of what generation you were born in, the lesson of Matthew 6 still remains young blood. Rusty old coins may be outdated but history has proven that whatever value we place in/on things has the potential of failing. For example, the stock market has crashed, bitcoin gained and lost value, & regardless of how cool technological advances are, A.I. cannot be fully trusted (ask Elon Musk). The inevitable corrosion (or in today’s context, corruption) that lies wait in the things we consider “of worth”, is really “SUS”. We should be reminded that all things accumulated on earth will not last and cannot be taken with us when we pass. Bottom line? God already paid the price to save your soul but it’s up to you to seek out the greater riches He has reserved for those who would rather put Him over money.
Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Matthew 6:2
I encourage you to work for something money can’t buy. Work for something that is incorruptible and undefiled. It would be a better investment for you to store up capital in the heavenly bank where it can’t be stolen, tanked in the stock market, or…get rusty. So, here’s to celebrating an inheritance reserved solely for the children of God! Here’s to building Kingdom real-estate (2 Corinthians 4:18)!
Thank you for your time.
Love, Risa